If you wish to quit smoking without weight gain, it is sometimes best not to attempt to "grab the bull by the horns." You are dealing with a powerful opponent here. In this case, it may be best for many if not most people to gradually defeat this habit by "siege", instead of "direct assault." Here's where my plan to quit smoking with no weight gain comes in. Using this method, I was able to successfully quit smoking with no weight gain in six months, and have been off cigarettes for over a year with no withdrawal symptoms.
What you need to do, is purchase a cigarette stuffing machine (about $5.00 at your local smoke shop) and purchase tubes w/filters (you can also "roll your own" with this method. Buy tobacco by the bag at the smoke shop (you will find this much cheaper than buying cigarettes by the pack!) Then go to your local herb shop and buy some mullein (or order some online!) Mullein is very inexpensive (less than $1.00/oz where I live.) It is much less harmful than tobacco (at one time it was prescribed for TB patients to reduce coughing.) Mix this mullein with the tobacco, 1 part mullein to 9 parts tobacco and use this mixture to make your own filter cigarettes using the cigarette machine.
As time goes on, increase the ratio of mullein to tobacco (I did every 3 weeks) until finally you are smoking tobacco-free cigarettes! This works because by stepping down the nicotine gradually, sparing you from withdrawal symptoms and allowing you to quit smoking without weight gain, as you are not tempted to eat more due to "jitters" and other withdrawal syptoms. (You are in essence "fooling" your body into thinking it's getting a steady nicotine fix when it really isn't.) When the time comes, you can then quit smoking with no symptoms of withdrawal - and hence, no weight gain!
Most people will find this method a not only easier, but cheaper way to quit smoking with no weight gain than patches, pills, drugs. ect. And it is a MUCH easier method to quit smoking with no weight gain, than "cold turkey"! (I speak from experience.) Of course, any method works better in conjuction with another. To make the most of this method - or any other method you choose to employ to quit smoking with no weight gain - I strongly recommend you visit:
And move towards your goal to quit smoking with no weight gain or withdrawal aided by one of the best programs available today, which addresses the mental as well as the physical aspects which can derail your attempts to quit smoking with no weight gain, withdrawal, or failure of willpower. To your health and happiness, B.J. Grimestad
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